Finally! An All-Natural Hand Sanitizer …That’s Available Too



Finding hand sanitizer has been a significant challenge as of late. And finding one that isn’t riddled with toxic ingredients is an even bigger challenge. Enter Canadian company Green Beaver, who responded to this need - and quickly.

They recently launched a 100% all-natural, organic, plant-based hand sanitizer that’s approved by Health Canada. It contains 70% alcohol, more than the 60% minimum required for added effectiveness.



While most alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause dryness and irritation, especially when applied frequently, Green Beaver’s formula is gentle and effective, thanks to their all natural ingredients like vegetable glycerin which acts as a moisturizer to soothe and soften skin.



So how does it smell? Does it have that typical antiseptic alcohol smell of most hand sanitizers? No! Thanks to the addition of delicate fragrances like organic lavender, orange and mint, this spray actually smells lovely!

And yes, it’s a spray! This is another bonus as it means we can disinfect our hands as well as steering wheels, door handles, grocery carts and more without the mess. And the size is perfect to fit in any pocket or purse.



Lastly and most importantly, it’s actually available! Readily available! And at a very reasonable price. For just $7.99 you can order one today and have it shipped anywhere in Canada. Visit to order. And stay safe!

Good News Living